Toss me a pint....of ice cream that is
Around Christmas time, I went on a few dates with a guy who seemed like quite a catch. He was charismatic, took me out on an AMAZING date, paid for everything and was a complete gentleman. We went out a couple of more times, and then he left town for a week to go to Colorado to ski, mountain climb, be a rugged man, whatever. Now unless his fingers were broken from a tragic ski accident, there really was no reason why I hadn’t received a call or text for almost a week. So when I had almost given up hope, I get out of the gym only to find that I have a missed call and voicemail from this “wonderful” guy. He proceeded to tell me how much he missed me and how he felt like it had been years since we had talked. I called him back, we talked, and agreed to meet up the next night with some friends at a bar in Addison. The entire evening could not have been more awkward: I had to toss back more than my fair share to make it even remotely bearable. Before I left he clarified how much he really liked me (blah, blah, blah), however proceeded to not call me for two days. Finally he calls, and tells me that he has emotional and mental issues and doesn’t want to put me through his “ups and downs” by dating me. Well thank GOD for that. And how exciting that I have one more lame excuse to add to the pages I have already accumulated in
However, after this whole incident, I took stock and went back over the whole situation. Do I really want to be with someone who doesn’t call? Do I really want to spend all of my time suppressing my feelings so that I can appear like I don’t care? Or do I want the guy who is going to call when he says he will, doesn’t care if I’m makeup-less with hair in a ponytail and sweats on, won’t point out that my love of pizza is going straight to my derriere, and doesn’t complain about my unrealistic expectations of him because of my current infatuation with Edward Cullen? Okay, so maybe I’m being a little idealistic, but I believe that we can find someone who embodies what we truly want. And I believe that in order to find that person it is essential to stop looking for opportunities and let them find you. They will show up in the most unexpected of places. That’s all for now. Tune in later for more adventures and misgivings.
10:03 AM | |
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